University of North Dakota

University NameUniversity of North Dakota
Address264 Centennial Drive, Stop 8193, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-8193
CityGrand Forks
StateNorth Dakota
About(not set)
Url Fin Aid
Url Admissions
Url Apply
Grad Rate
Grad Rate Men
Grad Rate Women
Apply Fee
Admit Rate49%
Pct Adm Men
Pct Adm Wmen
Pct Fullfirst Any Finaid
Avg Fullfirst Loan
Pct Fullfirst Loan
Avg Fullfirst Oloan
Total Applications383
Appl Men0
Appl Wmen0
Adm Ttl0
Adm Men0
Adm Wmen0
Tuition In11029
Tuition Out23866
Class Size83
Gpa 753.51
Gpa 503.26
Gpa 252.99
Lsat 75153
Lsat 50148
Lsat 25145
Expen Offcamp19320
Expen AthomeN/A
Scholar Less Full24
Scholar Full6
Scholar More Full4
Ttl Stud Granted90
Grant Per 758493
Grant Per 503500
Grant Per 251000